Empowered Problem Solving

by Robert Kaplinsky


($414.00 for 12 months of access)

Next Semester: Feb 9 - Mar 21, 2026

Registration opens Jan 23, 2026 at 8:00AM PST

Get a Reminder

Subject: Mathematics

Grade Levels:

  • Elementary School
  • Middle School
  • High School

Semesters Offered:

  • Spring 2026
  • Spring 2027

16 Professional Development Hours

Timing: Self-paced with no set meeting time

2-4 Graduate Level Professional Development Credits Available

Topics Covered:

  • Problem-Based Learning
  • Open Middle
  • Depth of Knowledge
  • 3-Act Tasks

One mangrove tree will be planted

About This Workshop

If you've wanted your math students to be stronger problem solvers who love learning math but would like tips and examples to help you get started whether you're teaching remotely or in person, then this workshop is for you.

We'll begin by exploring why problem solving is so important. Then we'll discuss how it would work with your students.  I'll share video from actual students lessons done remotely with middle school students as well as in person with kindergarten, eighth grade, and pre-calculus students.

From there we'll focus more on implementation including how to prepare to teach a lesson and what to do if it doesn't go as planned. We'll then address how to use problem solving to build students procedural skills and conceptual understanding. Finally, we'll wrap up the workshop by talking about how to merge these ideas with what you're already doing.

You can read more details about my workshop at robertkaplinsky.com/eps or by emailing me at robert@robertkaplinsky.com.

Robert Kaplinsky

About the Instructor

Robert Kaplinsky

Robert Kaplinsky co-founded and runs Open Middle, has been published in Edutopia and Education Week, is the author of Open Middle Math: Problems That Unlock Student Thinking, and created the #ObserveMe movement.  He has been an educator since 2003 as a classroom teacher, teacher specialist for Downey Unified School District, instructor for the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and presenter at conferences around the world.  He is also the founder and president of Grassroots Workshops.

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