How To Harness Grit To Help Students Thrive

by India White


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Subject: General

Grade Levels:

  • Elementary School
  • Middle School

Start Date: Immediate access

Access for 4 months

2 Professional Development Hours

Timing: Self-paced with no set meeting time

1 Graduate Level Professional Development Credit Available

Topics Covered:

  • Growth Mindset
  • Gritty Mindset
  • School Culture
  • Achievement Gap

One mangrove tree will be planted

About This Workshop

If you feel frustrated because students aren’t motivated to do their work and you’ve tried everything, but teaching still feels overwhelming because students think they can’t do the work, then this mini workshop is for you! To get there, we will start by exploring how I can feel hopeful about motivating students when I’ve already tried everything.

We’ll then talk about what grit is and why incorporating it into my classroom makes a difference. Next, we’ll discuss how you can help your students take ownership of their learning. We’ll also discuss how you can make motivation part of your classroom culture. Further, we will examine how you can convince students to keep moving forward after disappointment. This will lead us to dig deeper into seeing how you can teach students not to give up.

Finally, we will discuss how you can teach resilience and help your students persevere. With this mini workshop, you will gain strategies that will have you feeling hopeful again because you finally feel like you can help your students succeed, especially the ones who are often written off. Your students will be excited and motivated to learn and you’re loving your job again.

India White

About the Instructor

India White

Dr. India White is a TEDx/keynote speaker, national education consultant, author of 45+ books, former 2x Teacher of the Year, and a math textbook co-author for Big Ideas Learning/ National Geographic Learning.  India’s mission is to help principals and teachers cultivate grit in students while using equitable practices in classrooms to bridge the achievement gap. Dr. White has presented at hundreds of administrator and math conferences nationwide. She was a keynote speaker for the Superintendents CACE Conference and CMC South Annual Math Conference.  India is a member of the Superintendent’s Association, Black Women in Math, National Council of Supervisors in Math, National Alliance of Black School Educators, and National Council of Teachers in Mathematics, and serves as the Equity and Access Chair for the Florida Council of Teachers in Mathematics.

WebsiteYouTubeLinkedIn Page- Dr. India WhiteFree Education Strategy Call w/ Dr. India WhiteKeynote Speaker Feature- Dr. India White at CMC South!Wallstreet Times New Feature on Dr. India WhiteNCTM Ignite Speaker Recap- Dr. India WhiteTEDx Talk- The Power of Grit: Dr. India White