How To Integrate Diversity Into Your Required ELA Curriculum

by Towanda Harris


($54.00 for 12 months of access)

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  • English
  • Social Justice

Grade Levels:

  • Elementary School
  • Middle School

Start Date: Immediate access

Access for 4 months

2 Professional Development Hours

Timing: Self-paced with no set meeting time

1 Graduate Level Professional Development Credit Available

Topics Covered:

  • Diversify Your ELA Curriculum
  • Equitable Literacy Practices
  • Instructional Planning
  • Evaluating Classroom Resources
  • Student-Centered Learning

One mangrove tree will be planted

About This Workshop

If you feel frustrated because you want students to feel valued and connected to your required ELA curriculum resource in your school but you’re not sure how to do it then this workshop is for you. It will provide you with strategies to help all students feel represented in your curriculum, see others’ perspectives, and value similarities to others’ experiences.

To get there, we will discuss why is it important to integrate diverse perspectives in students’ learning experiences. Then we will find entry points in the curriculum that invite students’ voices into the space. We’ll also explore ways to remove and supplement texts and incorporate short reads as a tool to make connections with students’ lives in the curriculum lesson/units. Finally, we will share ways to sustain this without losing too much sleep.

Towanda Harris

About the Instructor

Towanda Harris

Dr. Towanda Harris has been a teacher, staff developer, literacy content specialist, instructional leadership coordinator, and instructional coach. Currently, the Director of Professional Development and an adjunct professor of reading and writing at Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia, she brings almost twenty years of experience to the education world. Towanda is the author of The Right Tools: A Guide to Selecting, Evaluating, and Implementing Classroom Resources and Practices. Educators rely on her wisdom about how to find resources that meet their teaching goals and match their understanding of their students’ needs. Dr. Harris’ workshops have been featured at the Wisconsin State Reading Association Conference, National Reading Recovery Conference, Indiana State Reading Conference, and National Council of Teachers of English. Teachers turn to her to learn how to employ those resources, blend them with best practices, and help all students reach their full potential.

Her passion to elevate teachers’ voices through her podcast, “My Two Cents”, provides a space for a community of educators to share their personal stories with each other. In addition, Towanda is a Heinemann PD provider, a member of The Educator Collaborative, and an advisor for the #G2Great Twitter chat. 
