How To Use Math Flips To Build Fluency

by Berkeley Everett


($54.00 for 12 months of access)

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Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: Elementary School

Start Date: Immediate access

Access for 16 weeks

2 Professional Development Hours

Timing: Self-paced with no set meeting time

1 Graduate Level Professional Development Credit Available

Topics Covered:

  • Fluency
  • Math Flips
  • Addition
  • Multiplication
  • Number Sense

One mangrove tree will be planted

About This Workshop

If you’ve heard of Math Flips and maybe even tried them yourself, but are not satisfied with how things have gone and want consistently good results, then my mini workshop is for you.  I'll help you feel comfortable implementing Math Flips so that your students love them and are building strong number sense and fluency.

First we'll explore how Math Flips can help your students.  We'll then talk about how to prepare to use Math Flips both in person and remotely.  From there we'll discuss how to introduce Math Flips to your students and how to facilitate meaningful conversations.  Finally, we'll go over how to support students’ families with Math Flips and how to integrate them with your current teaching resources.

Berkeley Everett

About the Instructor

Berkeley Everett

Berkeley Everett is an elementary mathematics consultant and creator of Math Flips. His digital resources (found at are used across the world and he speaks internationally on topics including number sense, fluency, and sense-making.
