How To Use Sketchnotes To Improve Memory And Communication

by Alisha Zare


($54.00 for 12 months of access)

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  • English
  • General
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Technology

Grade Levels:

  • Elementary School
  • Middle School
  • High School
  • College

Start Date: Immediate access

Access for 16 weeks

3 Professional Development Hours

Timing: Self-paced with no set meeting time

1 Graduate Level Professional Development Credit Available

Topics Covered:

  • Sketchnotes
  • Visual Notetaking
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Memory
  • Communication

One mangrove tree will be planted

About This Workshop

If you’ve heard of sketchnoting but assumed it is only for artists, this mini-workshop is for you.

We live in an information age where no matter how well we try to take notes, it is often challenging to retain new knowledge. That’s where sketchnotes come in. By pairing the verbal text with visual icons and metaphors, not only will you see an increase in comprehension but you’ll find that your brain can help cue you right back to the time and place when you first engaged with the information.

In this workshop, we’ll begin by looking at the brain research on why sketchnoting helps with cognition. Next, we’ll explore what tools you might use, ranging from simple paper/pencil to some favorite tried-and-true apps that can help you capture and share visual notes digitally. 

Through doodle games, mini-lessons, and sketch-along guided practice, you’ll develop your visual vocabulary skills as you learn how to highlight what’s most essential while filtering out the noise.

Finally, we’ll wrap up with a live sketchnoting challenge to apply all your new skills by listening closely to a podcast and sketching the key details. As a bonus for educators and parents, you'll find embedded teaching tips as well as examples of how to tailor sketchnoting for your grade level and content area. You’ll leave with increased creative confidence and the visual note taking skills to get started!
Alisha Zare

About the Instructor

Alisha Zare

Alisha Zare has been an educator since 2009, serving as a classroom teacher (in both charter and public schools) as well as a District STEM ToSA (Teacher on Special Assignment). She currently leads professional development for Silicon Valley Math Initiative (SVMI) as well as Krause Center for Innovation (KCI) in the San Francisco Bay Area, and blogs about self-care and creativity at

After struggling with reading comprehension as a kid, she channeled her love of doodling to take visual notes through high school and college to help her remember what she was learning. When others started to observe her journals at education conferences, she was inspired to start teaching sketchnoting to fellow educators and students of all ages. She believes that building teachers’ creative confidence through exploration and play is key to fostering STEAM education in and out of the classroom. Everyone can create!

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